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Release Notes Ver 3.5 Mar 2022

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How to use these Release Notes

The release notes are organized by solution area.  The UC identifier refers to a specific Use Case within the AssetOptics software development lifecycle (SDLC).  An explanation of the Use Case and delivered functionality follow.  If there are any configuration requirements, they will be listed in the Setup Requirements following the use case explanation.  The setup requirements should be used by your system administrator to plan and execute the AssetOptics managed package upgrade.



UC-0469            Deprecate Process Builder Flows for POs

The process builder flow Update PO Status from PO Misc Cost Receipt has been replaced with a Trigger based flow.

Setup:  Set to Inactive the flow labeled Update PO Status from PO Misc Cost Receipt.


Work Management

UC-0387            Work Order Planned Start Date & PM Compliance Reporting

New capabilities have been added to facilitate measuring on time preventive maintenance work order completion compliance.

Four new date fields have been added to and are displayed on the Work Order; Early Start Date, Late Start Date, Early Finish Date, and Late Finish Date. These dates are automatically calculated based on 3 new PM Schedule attributes; Planned Job Duration, Early Completion Offset, and Late Completion Offset.

Planned Job Duration represents the number of days required to perform a work order. Early Completion Offset represents the number of days prior to the Work Order Due Date that the Work Order can be completed and not be considered done early. The Late Completion Offset represents the number of days after the Work Order Due Date that the Work Order can be completed and not be considered late.

Early Start Date represents the earliest that work can begin and not be finished early.

Late Start Date represents the latest that work can begin and not completed late.

Values for the four new date fields are derived as follows:

Early Start Date = Due Date – Early Completion Offset – Planned Job Duration

Late Start Date = Due Date + Late Completion Offset -Planned Job Duration

Early Completion Date = Due Date – Early Completion Offset

Late Completion Date = Due Date + Late Completion Offset


UC-0479            Added New Task Step Action to Standard Work Task

Installation URL

Please submit a case via the AssetOptics customer community or submit an email to to request the managed package installation URL.

3.5 Release Notes PDF

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