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Product Requests

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Product Requests

Create multi-line Product Requests from Work Order or Work Order Line-Item Products Required

From a Work Order with Products Required, a user can create a Product Request by invoking the Request Products Required action.  The user will be prompted to enter a Need by Date and select a Location from where the Product Request will be fulfilled.  A list of Product Items in the Location corresponding to the Products Required will be presented to the user.  A Product Request with Product Request Line Items will be created.  If any of the Products Required are not inventoried at the selected Location, the user will be presented with a list of these Products so that they may create an additional Product Request from an alternate Location.


Figure 1 – Product Request LWC invoked from the Work Order.


 Automatically match Product Items from the designated Source Location

When a Product Request is created and the Source Location is specified, the Product Request Line Items are automatically referenced to the corresponding Product Item.


Calculate Product Request total costs based on Products Requested and the actual Unit Costs from the allocated Product Items.

Each Product Request Line Item has an Extended Cost Amount based on the Requested Quantity and the Product Item Unit Cost.  The Extended Cost Amount for all Product Request Line Items is summarized on the Product Request for a Total Request Cost.


Figure 2 – Product Request with Total Request Cost.


Reserve inventory based on Need by Date and Lead Time.

The Product Request Line Items will place a reservation on the Product Item in the selected Location based on the Need by Date and the Product Item Lead Time.


Figure 3 – Product Request Line Item with Quantity Requested, Need by Date and Product Item Lead Time.

The Product Request is the document that serves to place demand on inventory and thus drive the rest of the inventory replenishment processes.


Consume Products to a Work Order from Product Requests.

A user can Issue Product Item inventory directly from the Product Request Line-Item record page by invoking the Issue Inventory action.


Cancel unused Product Request line items.

A user can Cancel a Product Request Line Item.  Once canceled, any inventory reservation will be released.


Figure 4 – Product Request Line Item with Cancel Line and Issue Inventory actions.

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